Lance Cpl. Brian E. Anderson, USMC
Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Todd Arnold, USMC
Maj. Jay Thomas Aubin, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew Julian Aviles, USMC
PFC. Chad E. Bales, USMC
Capt. Ryan Anthony Beaupre, USMC
Sgt. Michael E. Bitz, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas A. Blair, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr, Jr., USMC
Cpl. Travis J. Bradachnall, USMC
Lance Cpl. Cedric E. Bruns, USMC
Lance Corporal Brian Rory Buesing, USMC
PFC Tamario D. Burkett, USMC
Staff Sgt. James W. Cawley, USMC
Cpl. Kemaphoom A. Chanawongse, USMC
Chief Warrant Officer Robert William Channell Jr., USMC
2nd Lt. Therrel S. Childers, USMC
Lance Cpl. Donald J. Cline, Jr, USMC
Capt. Aaron J. Contreras, USMC
Pfc. Ryan R. Cox, USMC
Cpl. Mark A. Evnin, USMC
Capt. Travis A. Ford, USMC
Lance Cpl. David K. Fribley, USMC
Cpl. Jose A. Garibay, USMC
Pfc. Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Cory Ryan Geurin, USMC
Pvt. Jonathan L. Gifford, USMC
Cpl. Armando Ariel Gonzalez, USMC
Cpl. Jesus A. Gonzalez, USMC
Cpl. Jorge A. Gonzalez, USMC
Cpl. Bernard G. Gooden, USMC
PFC. Christian D. Gurtner, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, USMC
Sgt. Nicolas M. Hodson, USMC
Pvt. Nolen R. Hutchings, USMC
Cpl. Evan T. James, USMC
Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Michael Vann Johnson, USN
Staff Sgt. Phillip A. Jordan, USMC
Cpl. Brian Matthew Kennedy, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker, USMC
Sgt. Brad Korthaus, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jakub Henryk Kowalik, USMC
Sgt. Michael V. Lalush, USMC
Lance Cpl. Alan Dinh Lam, USMC
Sgt. Jonathan W. Lambert, USMC
Capt. Andrew David La Mont, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Maglione, USMC
Cpl. Douglas Jose Marencoreyes, USMC
PFC. Francisco A. Martinez-Flores, USMC
Staff Sgt. Donald C. May, USMC
Lance Cpl. Gregory MacDonald, USMC
Sgt. Brian McGinnis, USMC
Sgt. Heath A. McMillin, USA
1st Lt. Brian M. McPhillips, USMC
Cpl. Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Menusa, USMC
Cpl. Jason David Mileo, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jason William Moore, USMC
Petty Officer 3rd Class David J. Moreno, USN
Major Kevin G. Nave, USMC
Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon, USMC
Lance Cpl. Patrick T. O'Day, USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric J. Orlowski, USMC
Lance Cpl. David Edward Owens Jr, USMC
Sgt. Fernando Padilla-Ramirez, USMC
2nd Lt. Frederick E. Pokorney Jr., USMC
Sgt. Brendon C. Reiss, USMC
Sgt. Duane R. Rios, USMC
Pfc. Jose Franci Gonzalez Rodriguez, USMC
Cpl. Robert M. Rodriguez, USMC
Corporal Randal Kent Rosacker, USMC
1st Lt. Timothy Louis Ryan, USMC
Capt. Benjamin W. Sammis, USMC
Cpl. Erik H. Silva, USMC
Lance Cpl. Antonio J. Sledd, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas J. Slocum, USMC
1st Sgt. Edward Smith, USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew R. Smith, USMC
Lance Cpl Jesús Suárez de Solar, USMC
Sgt. Kirk Allen Straseskie, USMC
Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jason Andrew Tetrault, USMC
Staff Sgt. Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, USMC
Staff Sgt. Aaron Dean White, USMC
Lance Cpl. William W. White, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Williams, USMC
Cpl. Roberto Abad, USMC
Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Adle, USMC
Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nickalous N. Aldrich, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Alfred, USMC
Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez, USMC
Cpl. Daniel R. Amaya, USMC
Cpl. Michael D Anderson, USMC
Cpl. Nathan R. Anderson, USMC
Lance Cpl. Levi Angell, USMC
Cpl. Bradley T. Arms, USMC
Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo
Staff Sgt. Jimmy J. Arroyave, USMC
Lance Cpl. Aaron Austin, USMC
Pfc. Eric Ayon, USMC
Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro, USMC
Lance Cpl. Aric J. Barr, USMC
Sgt. Douglas E. Bascom, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Ronald E. Baum, USMC
Cpl. Christopher Belchik, USMC
Cpl. Mick R. Bekowsky, USMC
Staff Sgt. Marvin Best, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffery S. Blanton, USMC
2nd Lt. James P. Blecksmith, USMC
Staff Sgt. Melvin L. Blazer, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy L. Bohlman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Todd J. Lee Bolding, USMC
Cpl. Kirk J. Bosselmann Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy D. Bow, USMC
Cpl. Theodore A. Bowling, USMC
Pvt Noah Boye, USMC
Lance Cpl. Aaron Boyles, USMC
Lance Cpl. David M. Branning, USMC
Navy Seaman Pablito Pena Briones, Jr., USN
Lance Cpl. Adam R. Brooks Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Demarkus D. Brown, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dominic C. Brown, USMC
Cpl. Andrew D. Brownfield, USMC
Lance Cpl. Benjamin S. Bryan, USMC
Cpl. Dale A. Burger Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey C. Burgess, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Burns, USMC
Pfc. David P. Burridge, USMC
Lance Cpl. John T. Byrd, USMC
Pfc. Cody S. Calavan, USMC
Sgt. Juan Calderon Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Wesley J. Canning, USMC
Pfc. Ryan J. Cantafio Jr., USMC
Pfc. Benjamin R. Carman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael M. Carey, USMC
Sgt. David M. Caruso, USMC
Lance Cpl. James A. Casper, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven C. T. Cates, USMC
Lance Cpl. Manuel A. Ceniceros, USMC
Lance Cpl. Marcus M. Cherry, USMC
Cpl. Jason S. Clairday, USMC
Staff Sgt. Michael J. Clark, USMC
Pfc. Christopher Cobb, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Codner, USMC
Cpl. Michael R. Cohen, USMC
Sgt. Kenneth Conde Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Pedro Contreras, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan W. Collins, USMC
Sgt. Jason Cook, USMC
Sgt. Kelley L. Courtney, USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy R. Creager, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kyle D. Crowley, USMC
Pfc. Brian K. Cutter, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew S. Dang, USMC
Cpl. Kevin J. Dempsey, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joshua W. Dickinson, USMC
Cpl. Nicholas Dieruf, USMC
Lance Cpl. Scott E. Dougherty, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael A. Downey, USMC
Cpl. Jason L. Dunham, USMC
Cpl. Christopher S. Ebert, USMC
Sgt. Benjamin C. Edinger, USMC
Lance Cpl. Justin M. Ellsworth, USMC
Lance Cpl. Mark E. Engel, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bradley M Faircloth Jr., USMC
2nd Lt. Paul M. Felsberg, USMC
Cpl. Tyler R. Fey, USMC
Lance Cpl. Luis A. Figueroa, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dustin R. Fitzgerald, USMC
Sgt. Timothy Folmar, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Elia P. Fontecchio, USMC
Lance Cpl. Travis A. Fox, USMC
Lance Cpl. Philip E. Frank, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kane M. Funke, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan E. Gadsden, USMC
Captain Richard J. Gannon II, USMC
Lance Cpl. Derek L. Gardner, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dimitrios Gavriel, USMC
Cpl. Peter J. Giannopoulos II, USMC
Cpl. Christopher A. Gibson, USMC
Cpl. Todd J. Godwin, USMC
Lance Cpl. Shane Lee Goldman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Benjamin R. Gonzalez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Victor A. Gonzalez, USMC
Cpl. Jeffrey G. Green, USMC
Lt. Col. David S. Greene, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Halal, USMC
Pfc. Deryk L. Hallal, USMC
Pfc. Andrew Halverson, USMC
Cpl. Nathaniel T. Hammond, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael W. Hanks, USMC
Pfc. Fernando B. Hannon, USMC
Lance Cpl. Charles A. Hanson Jr., USMC
Staff Sgt. William M. Harrell, USMC
Sgt. Foster L. Harrington, USMC
Cpl. Matthew C. Henderson, USMC
Cpl. Joseph J. Heredia, USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric Hillenburg, USMC
Lance Cpl. Erick J. Hodges, USMC
Staff Sgt. Theodore S. Holder II, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffery S Holmes, USMC
Cpl. Terry Holmes, USMC
Pfc. Sean Horn, USMC
Lance Cpl. David B. Houck, USMC
Staff Sgt. John R. Howard, USMC
Lance Cpl. Gregory C. Howman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jared P. Hubbard, USMC
Lance Cpl. Tavon L. Hubbard, USMC
Cpl. Barton R. Humlhanz, USMC
Lance Cpl. Justin T. Hunt, USMC
Lance Cpl. James B. Huston Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Seth Huston, USMC
Cpl. William C. James, USMC
1st Lieutenant Oscar Jimenez, USMC
Cpl. Romulo J. Jimenez II, USMC
Pfc. Ryan M. Jerabek, USMC
Lance Cpl. Quinn A. Keith, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bryan P. Kelly, USMC
Cpl. Dallas L. Kerns, USMC
Cpl. In C. Kim, USMC
Sgt. Jeffery L. Kirk, USMC
Cpl Zachary A. Kolda, USMC
Cpl. Timothy A. Knight, USMC
Cpl. Kevin T. Kolm, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Lam, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Shawn A. Lane, USMC
Pfc. Moises Langhorst, USMC
Lance Cpl. Sean M. Langley, USMC
Cpl. Christopher J. Lapka, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas D. Larson, USMC
Cpl. Jeffrey D. Lawrence, USMC
Lance Cpl. Travis J. Layfield, USMC
Cpl. Binh N. Le, USMC
2nd Lieutenant Ryan Leduc, USMC
Cpl. Bum "Rocky" Lee, USMC
Staff Sgt. Jason A. Lehto, USMC
Sgt. Edgar E. Lopez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Hilario F. Lopez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Juan Lopez, USMC
Sgt. Richard Lord, USMC
Lance Cpl. Victor R. Lu, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joshua E. Lucero, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jacob R. Lugo, USMC
Pfc. John Lukac, USMC
1st Lt. Matthew D. Lynch, USMC
Pfc. Christopher Mabry, USMC
Lance Cpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos, USMC
Lance Cpl. Blake A. Magaoay, USMC
Cpl. Jarrod L Maher, USMC
1st Lt. Dan T. Malcolm Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Gentian Marku, USMC
Pfc. Oscar A. Martinez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ramon Mateo, USMC
Cpl. Matthew E. Matula, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joseph C. McCarthy, USMC
Cpl. Brad P. McCormick, USMC
Lance Cpl. Justin D. McLeese, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brian A. Medina, USMC
Cpl. Jaygee Meluat, USMC
Pfc. Matthew G. Milczark, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kyle W. MolinaBautista, USMC
Capt. Brent L. Morel, USMC
Pfc. Geoffery S. Morris. USMC
Pfc. Ricky A. Morris Jr. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas B. Morrison, USMC
Sgt. Krisna Nachampassak, USMC
Cpl. Dominique J. Nicolas, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice, USMC
Sgt. Nicholas S. Nolte, USMC
Staff Sgt. Byron W. Norwood, USMC
Cpl. Mick R. Nygardbekowsky, USMC
Lance Cpl. Shane K. O’Donnell, USMC
Cpl. Brian Oliveira, USMC
Lance Cpl. Deshon E. Otey, USMC
1st Lieutenant Joshua Palmer, USMC
Cpl. Tommy L. Parker Jr., USMC
Sgt. Harvey E. Parkerson III, USMC
Lance Cpl. George J. Payton, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Javier Obleas-Prado Pena, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andres H. Perez, USMC
Pfc. Geoffrey Perez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas Perez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Neil D. Petsche, USMC
Pfc. Chance R. Phelps, USMC
Lance Cpl. James R. Phillips, USMC
Lance Cpl. Aaron C. Pickering, USMC
Pfc. Jason T. Poindexter, USMC
Lance Cpl. Caleb J. Powers, USMC
Cpl. Dean P. Pratt, USMC
Cpl. Brian P. Prening, USMC
Lance Cpl. Mathew D. Puckett, USMC
Lance Cpl. Branden P. Ramey, USMC
Staff Sgt. Gene Ramirez, USMC
Pfc. Christopher Ramos, USMC
Capt. Gregory A Ratzlaff, USMC
Pfc. Christopher J. Reed, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Edward T. Reeder, USMC
Cpl. Kyle J. Renehan, USMC
Lance Cpl. Justin D. Reppuhn, USMC
Lance Cpl. Rafael Reynosa, USMC
Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso, USMC
Pfc. Andrew G. Riedel, USMC
Staff Sgt. David G Ries, USMC
Cpl. Steven A. Rintamaki, USMC
Lance Cpl. Bob W. Roberts, USMC
Sgt. Moses D. Rocha, USMC
Capt. Alan Rowe, USMC
Lance Cpl. Gregory P. Rund, USMC
Cpl. Rudy Salas, USMC
Cpl. William I. Salazar, USMC
Pfc. Leroy Sandoval Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremiah E. Savage, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael P. Scarborough, USMC
Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brian K. Schramm, USMC
Maj. Kevin M. Shea, USMC
Lance Cpl. Juan E. Segura, USMC
Pfc. Dustin M. Sekula, USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew Serio, USMC
Maj. Kevin M. Shea, USMC
Sgt. Alan D. Sherman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brad S. Shuder, USMC
Pfc. Kenneth L. Sickels, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dustin L. Sides, USMC
Lance Cpl. Abraham Simpson, USMC
Lance Cpl. John Sims, USMC
Pfc. Nicholas M. Skinner, USMC
Staff Sgt. Russell L. Slay, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard P. Slocum, USMC
Sgt. Benjamin K. Smith, USMC
Pfc. Brandon C. Smith, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jason E. Smith, Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Smith, USMC
Cpl. Raleigh C. Smith, USMC
Cpl. Adrian V. Soltau, USMC
Cpl Michael Speer, USMC
Staff Sgt. Trevor Spink, USMC
1st Lieutenant Andrew K. Stern, USMC
Cpl. Ian W. Stewart, USMC
Sgt. Morgan W. Strader, USMC
Pfc. Brandon C. Sturdy, USMC
Lance Cpl. Torrey L. Stoffel-Gray, USMC
Lance Cpl. Vincent M. Sullivan, USMC
Lance Cpl. Franklin A. Sweger, USMC
Cpl. Jesse L. Thiry, USMC
Cpl. John H. Todd III, USMC
Master Sgt. Timothy Toney, USMC
Pfc. George Torres, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael S. Torres, USMC
Lance Cpl. Elias Torrez III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Drew M. Uhles, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ruben Valdez, Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. John J. Vangyzen IV, USMC
Lance Cpl. Gary Van Leuven, USMC
Cpl. Scott M. Vincent, USMC
Cpl. David M. Vicente, USMC
Pfc. Brent T. Vroman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael B. Wafford, USMC
Staff Sgt. Allan K. Walker, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard D. Warner, USMC
Cpl. Robert P. Warns II, USMC
Pfc. Nachez Washalanta, USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopher B. Wasser, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joseph T. Welke, USMC
Lance Cpl. Larry L. Wells, USMC
Sgt. Lonny D. Wells, USMC
Lance Cpl. Phillip G. West, USMC
1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee, USMC
Lance Cpl. Russell P. White, USMC
Lance Corporal Joshua Wilfong, USMC
Cpl. Bryan S. Wilson, USMC
Lance Cpl. Lamont N. Wilson, USMC
1st Lieutenant Ronald Winchester USMC
Lance Cpl. Jordan D. Winkler, USMC
Lance Cpl. William J. Wiscowiche, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nathan R. Wood, USMC
Petty Officer Third Class Julian Woods, USN
2nd Lt. John Thomas Wroblewski, USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel R. Wyatt, USMC
Cpl. Matthew A. Wyatt, USMC
Pfc. Rodricka A. Youmans, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew J. Zabierek, USMC
Robert Zangas
Lance Cpl. Thomas J. Zapp, USMC
Cpl. Ian T Zook, USMC
Lance Cpl. Robert P. Zurheide Jr., USMC
Sgt. Mark P. Adams, USMC
Capt. Paul C. Alaniz, USMC
Lance Cpl. Norman W. Anderson III, USMC
Master Sgt. Brett Angus, USMC
Lance Cpl. Trevor D. Aston, USMC
Pfc. Stephen P. Baldwyn, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Terry W. Ball Jr, USMC
First Sgt. Michael S. Barnhill, USMC
Cpl. Jonathan S. Beatty, USMC
Pfc. Andrew D. Bedard, USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy M. Bell Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric J. Bernholtz, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dustin V. Birch, USMC
Staff Sgt. Brian D. Bland, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas William B. Bloem, USMC
Maj. Gerald M. Bloomfield II, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Darrell W. Boatman, USMC
Cpl. Jeffrey A. Boskovitch, USMC
Cpl. Jonathan W. Bowling, USMC
Capt. Sean L. Brock, USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel Scott Bubb, USMC
Lance Cpl. Shayne M. Cabino, USMC
Cpl. Mario A. Castillo, USMC
Lance Cpl. Roger D. Castleberry Jr, USMC
2nd Lt. James J. Cathey, USMC
Sgt. Aaron N. Cepeda Sr., USMC
Petty Officer 2nd Class Cesar O. Baez, USN
Lance Cpl. Holly A. Charette, USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel Chavez, USMC
Cpl. Nicholas O. Chevera, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Cifuentes, USMC
Lance Cpl. Julio C. Cisneros-Alvarez, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Theodore Clark, Jr, USMC
Staff Sgt. Michael J. Clark, USMC
Petty Officer 1st Class Regina R. Clark, USN
Cpl. Kevin M. Clarke, USMC
Staff Sgt. Daniel S. Clay, USMC
Pfc. Nathan B. Clemons, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard C. Clifton, USMC
Cpl. Benny G. Cockerham III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Chase J. Comley, USMC
Staff Sgt. Ramon Gonzales Cordova, USMC
Sgt. David J. Coullard, USMC
Maj. Ricardo A. Crocker, USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam J. Crumpler, USMC
Staff Sgt. Joel P. Dameron, USMC
Lance Cpl. Wesley G. Davids, USMC
Sgt. Zachariah S. Davis, USMC
Lance Cpl. Roger W. Deeds, USMC
Lance Cpl. Tenzin Dengkhim, USMC
Cpl. Dustin A. Derga, USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel N. Deyarmin Jr, USMC
Pfc. Christopher R. Dixon, USMC
Sgt. Brian E. Dunlap, USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopher J. Dyer, USMC
Capt. James C. Edge, USMC
Sgt. Michael Egan, USA
Lance Cpl. Nick Erdy, USMC
Lance Cpl. Sergio H. Escobar, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan E. Etterling, USMC
Cpl. Adam R. Fales, USMC
Sgt. Andrew K. Farrar Jr., USMC
Sgt. Michael W. Finke Jr., USMC
Cpl. Joseph E. Fite, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan R. Flores USMC
Lance Cpl. Grant B. Fraser, USMC
Pfc. Jason L. Frye, USMC
1st Lt. Travis J. Fuller, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dimitrios Gavriel, USMC
Lance Cpl. Phillip C. George, USMC
Cpl. Timothy M. Gibson, USMC
Cpl. Richard A. Gilbert Jr., USMC
Cpl. Steven P. Gill, USMC
Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Goodrich, USMC
Staff Sgt. Anthony L. Goodwin, USMC
Capt. Lyle L. Gordon, USMC
Sgt. James R. Graham III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Lance T. Graham, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan W. Grant, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jourdan L. Grez, USMC
Cpl. Kyle J. Grimes, USMC
Pfc Robert A. Guy, USMC
Sgt. Bradley J. Harper, USMC
Lance Cpl. Erik R. Heldt, USMC
Lance Cpl. Tony L. Hernandez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Evenor Herrera, USMC
Lance Cpl. Chad R, Hildebrandt, USMC
Capt. Kelly C. Hinz, USMC
Sgt. Michael P. Hodshire, USMC
Sgt. Justin F. Hoffman, USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew W. Holloway, USMC
Lance Cpl. John M. Holmason, USMC
Cpl. Paul C. Holter III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brian C. Hopper, USMC
Petty Officer 3rd Class John D. House, USN
Sgt. Thomas E. Houser, USMC
Lance Cpl. David H. Huhn, USMC
Master Sgt. Kenneth E. Hunt Jr., USMC
Staff Sgt. Kendall H. Ivy II, USMC
Lance Cpl. Saeed Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr., USMC
Cpl. Jesse Jaime, USMC
Cpl. Stephen P. Johnson, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kevin B. Joyce, USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam W. Kaiser, USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas O. Keeling, USMC
Cpl. Sean P. Kelly, USMC
Lance Cpl. Patrick B. Kenny, USMC
Hospitalman Aaron A. Kent, USN
Cpl. Andrew J. Kilpela, USMC
Staff Sgt. Dexter S. Kimble, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremiah C. Kinchen, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas C. Kirven, USMC
Lance Cpl. Allan Klein, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joshua P. Klinger, Jr., USMC
Cpl. Timothy A. Knight, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan J. Kovacicek, USMC
Cpl. David Kenneth J. Kreuter, USMC
Cpl. Michael B. Lindemuth, USMC
Lance Cpl. Karl R. Linn, USMC
Cpl. John M. Longoria. USMC
Lance Cpl. John A Lucente, USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopehr P. Lyons, USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopher P. Lyons, USMC
Lance Cpl. Fred L. Maciel, USMC
Lance Cpl. Marcus Mahdee, USMC
Lance Cpl. Sean P. Maher, USMC
Capt. John W. Maloney, USMC
Hospitalman Robert N. Martens, USMC
Lance Cpl. Robert A. Martinez, USMC
Capt. Michael D. Martino, USMC
Sgt. Michael A. Marzano, USMC
Lance Cpl. John J. Mattek Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Chad B. Maynard, USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopher McCrackin, USMC
Cpl. Anthony T. McElveen, USMC
2nd Lt. Donald R. McGlothlin, USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel M. McVicker, USMC
Maj. Ramon J. Mendoza Jr., USMC
Cpl. Antonio Mendoza, USMC
Cpl. Bob Mininger, USMC
Lance Cpl. Scott T. Modeen, USMC
Lance Cpl. Brian P. Montgomery, USMC
Cpl. James L. Moore, USMC
Cpl. Nathaniel K. Moore, USMC
Cpl. Clifton B. Mounce, USMC
Sgt. Jeremy E. Murray, USMC
Lance Cpl. Veashna Muy, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan J. Nass, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew W. Nowacki, USMC
Cpl. John T. Olson, USMC
Sgt. Bryan J. Opskar, USMC
Pvt. Elijah M. Ortega, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew G. Patten, USMC
Sgt. Jayton D. Patterson, USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard A. Perez Jr., USMC
Sgt. Christopher S. Perez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Lawrence R. Philippon, USMC
Cpl. Carlos Pineda, USMC
Staff Sgt. Kenneth B. Pospisil, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael V. Postal, USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopher M Poston, USMC
Cpl. Chad W. Powell, USMC
Lance Cpl. Taylor B. Prazynski, USMC
Cpl. Michael B, Presley, USMC
Staff Sgt. Richard T. Pummill, USMC
Lance Cpl. Mourad Ragimov, USMC
Lance Cpl. Carl L. Raines II, USMC
Lance Cpl. Rhonald D. Rairdan, USMC
Lance Cpl. Hector Ramos, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jason C. Redifer, USMC
Lance Cpl. Aaron H. Reed, USMC
Cpl. Bryan J. Richardson, USMC
Staff Sgt. William D. Richardson, USMC
Cpl. Garrywesley T. Rimes, USMC
Sgt. Nathaniel S. Rock, USMC
Cpl. Jeffry A. Rogers, USMC
Pfc. Ramon Romero, USMC
Lance Cpl. David A. Mendez Ruiz, USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew D. Russoli, USMC
Lance Cpl. Gael Saintvil, USMC
Lance Cpl. Efrain Sanchez Jr., USMC
Lance Cpl. Nickolas Schiavoni, USMC
Lance Cpl. John T. Schmidt III, USMC
Lance Cpl. Edward A. Schroeder II, USMC
Cpl. Nathan A. Schubert, USMC
Lance Cpl. Darrell J. Schumann, USMC
Lance Cpl. Nazario Serrano, USMC
Lance Cpl. Devon P. Seymour, USMC
1stLt. Dustin M. Shumney, USMC
Staff Sgt. Chad J. Simon, USMC
Lance CpL. Jonathan L. Smith, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kevin S. Smith, USMC
Cpl. Matthew R. Smith, USMC
Cpl. Joshua D Snyder, USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan J. Sorensen, USMC
Maj. John C. Spahr USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnathan R. Spears, USMC
Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Spence, USMC
Cpl. Brad D. Squires, USMC
Cpl. John R. Stalvey, USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael L. Starr Jr, USMC
Cpl. Jeffrey B. Starr, USMC
Cpl. John L. Stavley, USMC
Sgt. Andy A. Stevens, USMC
Cpl. David S. Stewart, USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam J. Strain, USMC
Sgt. Jesse W. Strong, USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel F. Swaim, USMC
Lance Cpl. Harry R. Swain IV, USMC
Lance Cpl. Shane C. Swanberg, USMC
Capt. Tyler B. Swisher, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven W. Szwydek, USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy P. Tamburello, USMC
Lance Cpl. Samuel Tapia, USMC
Cpl. William G. Taylor, USMC
Lance Cpl. Miguel Terrazas, USMC
Petty Officer 3rd Class Christopher W. Thompson, USN
Lance Cpl. Joshua L. Torrence, USMC
Cpl. Joseph S. Tremblay, USMC
Cpl. Tyler S. Trovillion, USMC
Lance Cpl. Tyler J. Troyer, USMC
Sgt. Daniel A. Tsue, USMC
Lance Cpl. Marc L. Tucker, USMC
Cpl. Ramona M. Valdez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven A. Valdez, USMC
Lance Cpl. Juan R. Rodriguez Velasco, USMC
Lance Cpl. Juan C. Venegas, USMC
Cpl. Joshua J. Ware, USMC
Lance Cpl. Kevin G. Waruinge, USMC
Lance Cpl. Craig N. Watson, USMC
Cpl. Christopher L. Weaver, USMC
Warrant Officer Charles G. Wells, Jr, USMC
Lance Cpl. Dion M. Whitley, USMC
Lance Cpl. Travis M. Wichlacz, USMC
Petty Officer Third Class Jeffery L. Wiener, USN
Lance Cpl. William B. Wightman, USMC
Cpl. Andre L. Williams, USMC
Sgt. David N. Wimberg, USMC
Cpl. Christopher D. Winchester, USMC
Cpl. Seamus M Davey, USMC
Petty Officer 3rd Class Travis L. Youngblood, USN
Cpl. Christopher E. Zimny, USMC
Lance Cpl. Scott A. Zubowski, USMC
1st Lt. Brandon R. Dronet, 33, of Erath, La. USMC
1st Lt. Nathan M. Krissoff, 25, of Reno, Nev. USMC
2nd Lt. Almar L. Fitzgerald, 23, of Lexington, S.C. USMC
2nd Lt. Joshua L. Booth, 23, of Fiskdale, Mass. USMC
2nd Lt. Mark C. Gelina, 33, of Moberly, Mo. USMC
2nd Lt. Michael L. Licalzi, 24, of Garden City, N.Y. USMC
Capt. Brian S. Letendre, 27, of Woodbridge, Va. USMC
Capt. Bryan D. Willard, 33, of Hummelstown, Pa. USMC
Capt. Christopher T. Pate, 29, of Hampstead, N.C. USMC
Capt. John J. McKenna IV, 30, of Brooklyn, N.Y. USMC
Capt. Justin D. Peterson, 32, of Davisburg, Mich. USMC
Capt. Nathanael J. Doring, 31, of Apple Valley, Minn. USMC
Cpl. Aaron L. Seal, 23, of Elkhart, Ind. USMC
Cpl. Adam A. Galvez, 21, of Salt Lake City, Utah USMC
Cpl. Adam O. Zanutto, 26, of Caliente, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Albert P. Gettings, 27, of New Castle, Pa. USMC
Cpl. Andres Aguilar Jr., 21, of Victoria, Texas USMC
Cpl. Benjamin S. Rosales, 20, of Houston, Texas USMC
Cpl. Bradford H. Payne, 24, of Montgomery, Ala. USMC
Cpl. Brandon M. Hardy, 25, of Cochranville, Pa. USMC
Cpl. Brandon S. Schuck, 21, of Safford, Ariz. USMC
Cpl. Brett L. Lundstrom, 22, of Stafford, Va. USMC
Cpl. Brian R. St. Germain, 22, of Warwick, R.I. USMC
Cpl. Carlos Arrelanopandura, 22, of Los Angeles, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Christopher D. Leon, 20, of Lancaster, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Christopher E. Esckelson, 22, of Vassar, Mich. USMC
Cpl. Christopher T. Warndorf, 21, of Burlington, Ky. USMC
Cpl. Cory L. Palmer, 21, of Seaford, Del. USMC
Cpl. David A. Bass, 20, of Nashville, Tenn. USMC
Cpl. David G. Weimortz, 28, of Irmo, S.C. USMC
Cpl. Dustin J. Libby, 22, of Presque Isle, Maine USMC
Cpl. Eric R. Lueken, 23, of Dubois, Ind. USMC
Cpl. Felipe C. Barbosa, 21, of High Point, N.C. USMC
Cpl. Gary A. Koehler, 21, of Ypsilanti, Mich. USMC
Cpl. Jared M. Shoemaker, 29, of Tulsa, Okla. USMC
Cpl. Jason W. Morrow, 27, of Riverside, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Johnathan L. Benson, 21, of North Branch, Minn. USMC
Cpl. Jordan C. Pierson, 21, of Milford, Conn. USMC
Cpl. Jose A. Galvan, 22, of San Antonio, Texas USMC
Cpl. Joseph A. Tomci, 21, of Stow, Ohio USMC
Cpl. Joshua C. Sticklen, 24, of Virginia Beach, Va. USMC
Cpl. Joshua C. Watkins, 25, of Jacksonville, Fla. USMC
Cpl. Joshua D. Pickard, 20, of Merced, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Joshua M. Schmitz, 21, of Spencer, Wis. USMC
Cpl. Julian A. Ramon, 22, of Flushing, N.Y. USMC
Cpl. Justin J. Watts, 20, of Crownsville, Md. USMC
Cpl. Kyle W. Powell, 21, of Colorado Springs, Colo. USMC
Cpl. Matthew D. Conley, 21, of Killen, Ala. USMC
Cpl. Matthew V. Dillon, 25, of Aiken, S.C. USMC
Cpl. Matthieu Marcellus, 31, of Gainesville, Fla. USMC
Cpl. Michael A. Estrella, 20, of Hemet, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Michael C. Ledsome, 24, of Austin, Texas USMC
Cpl. Michael H. Lasky, 22, of Sterling, Alaska USMC
Cpl. Nicholas P. Rapavi, 22, of Springfield, Va. USMC
Cpl. Orville Gerena, 21, of Virginia Beach, Va. USMC
Cpl. Pablo V. Mayorga, 33, of Margate, Fla. USMC
Cpl. Paul N. King, 23, of Tyngsboro, Mass. USMC
Cpl. Phillip E. Baucus, 28, of Wolf Creek, Mont. USMC
Cpl. Richard A. Bennett, 25, of Girard, Kan. USMC
Cpl. Richard P. Waller, 22, of Fort Worth, Texas USMC
Cpl. Riley E. Baker, 22, of Pacific, Mo. USMC
Cpl. Ross A. Smith, 21, of Wyoming, Mich. USMC
Cpl. Rusty L. Washam, 21, of Huntsville, Tenn. USMC
Cpl. Ryan J. Cummings, 22, of Streamwood, Ill. USMC
Cpl. Salem Bachar, 20, of Chula Vista, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Scott J. Procopio, 20, of Saugus, Mass. USMC
Cpl. Stephen R. Bixler, 20, of Suffield, Conn. USMC
Cpl. Steve Vahaviolos, 21, of Airmont, N.Y. USMC
Cpl. Timothy D. Roos, 21, of Cincinnati, Ohio USMC
Cpl. William B. Fulks, 23, of Culloden, W.Va. USMC
Cpl. Yull Estrada Rodriguez, 21, of Alegre Lajas, Puerto Rico USMC
Gunnery Sgt. John D. Fry, 28, of Lorena, Texas USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Justin R. Martone, 31, of Bedford, Va. USMC
Hospitalman Chadwick T. Kenyon, 20, of Tucson, Ariz., USN
Hospitalman Christopher A. Anderson, 24, of Longmont, Colo., USN
Hospitalman Geovani Padillaaleman, 20, of South Gate, Calif., USN
Hospitalman Kyle A. Nolen, 21, of Ennis, Texas, USN
Lance Cpl. Aaron W. Simons, 20, of Modesto, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam C. Conboy, 21, of Philadelphia, Pa. USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam J. Vanalstine, 21, of Superior, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam R. Murray, 21, of Cordova, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Anthony E. Butterfield, 19, of Clovis, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Benito A. Ramirez, 21, of Edinburg, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Billy D. Brixey Jr., 21, of Ferriday, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Brandon Dewey, 20, of San Joaquin, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Webb, 20, of Swartz Creek, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Brent B. Zoucha, 19, of Merrick, Neb. USMC
Lance Cpl. Brent E. Beeler, 22, of Jackson, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Bryan N. Taylor, 20, of Milford, Ohio USMC
Lance Cpl. Budd M. Cote, 21, of Marana, Ariz. USMC
Lance Cpl. Bunny Long, 22, of Modesto, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Christopher B. Cosgrove III, 23, of Cedar Knolls, N.J. USMC
Lance Cpl. Cliff K. Golla, 21, of Charlotte, N.C. USMC
Lance Cpl. Clifford R. Collinsworth, 20, of Chelsea, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Clinton J. Miller, 23, of Greenfield, Iowa USMC
Lance Cpl. Cody G. Watson, 21, of Oxford, Ala. USMC
Lance Cpl. Colin J. Wolfe, 18, of Manassas, Va. USMC
Lance Cpl. Darin T. Settle, 23, of Henley, Mo. USMC
Lance Cpl. David J. GramesSanchez, 22, of Fort Wayne, Ind. USMC
Lance Cpl. David S. Parr, 22, of Benson, N.C. USMC
Lance Cpl. Derek W. Jones, 21, of Salem, Ore. USMC
Lance Cpl. Derrick J. Cothran, 21, of Avondale, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Donald E. Champlin, 28, of Natchitoches, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Edward M. Garvin, 19, of Malden, Mass. USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric A. Palmisano, 27, of Florence, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric A. Palmisano, 27, of Milwaukee, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric P. Valdepenas, 21, of Seekonk, Mass. USMC
Lance Cpl. Eric W. Herzberg, 20, of Severna Park, Md. USMC
Lance Cpl. Felipe D. Sandoval-Flores, 20, of Los Angeles, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Fernando S. Tamayo, 19, of Fontana, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Geofrey R. Cayer, 20, of Fitchburg, Mass. USMC
Lance Cpl. Hatak Yuka Keyu M. Yearby, 21, of Overbrook, Okla. USMC
Lance Cpl. Howard S. March Jr., 20, of Buffalo, N.Y. USMC
Lance Cpl. Hugo R. Lopezlopez, 20, of La Habra, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jacob W. Beisel, 21, of Lackawaxen, Pa. USMC
Lance Cpl. James Chamroeun, 20, of Union City, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. James D. Hirlston, 21, of Murfreesboro, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. James E. Brown, 20, of Owensville, Ind. USMC
Lance Cpl. James R. Davenport, 20, of Danville, Ind. USMC
Lance Cpl. James W. Higgins, 22, of Frederick, Md. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jason K. Burnett, 20, of St. Cloud, Fla. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jason T. Little, 20, of Climax, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy S. Sandvick Monroe, 20, of Chinook, Mont. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy S. Shock, 22, of Tiffin, Ohio USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy Z. Long, 18, of Sun Valley, Nev. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeriad P. Jacobs, 19, of Clayton, N.C.
Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, 20, of Aguanga, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jesse D. Tillery, 19, of Vesper, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. John E. Hale, 20, of Shreveport, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. John J. Thornton, 22, of Phoenix, Ariz. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jon E. Bowman, 21, of Dubach, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan B. Thornsberry, 22, of McDowell, Ky. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jonathan K. Price, 19, of Woodlawn, Ill USMC
Lance Cpl. Jose S. MarinDominguez Jr., 22, of Liberal, Kan. USMC
Lance Cpl. Joshua A. Scott, 24, of Tunnel Hill, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. Joshua C. Alonzo, 21, of Dumas, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Hines, 26, of Olney, Ill. USMC
Lance Cpl. Juana NavarroArellano, 24, of Ceres, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Justin D. Sims, 22, of Covington, Ky. USMC
Lance Cpl. Kevin A. Lucas, 20, of Greensboro, N.C. USMC
Lance Cpl. Kristen K. Figueroa, 20, of Honolulu, Hawaii USMC
Lance Cpl. Kristopher C. Warren, 19, of Resaca, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. Kun Y. Kim, 20, of Atlanta, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. Kurt E. Dechen, 24, of Springfield, Vt. USMC
Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Brown, 22, of Newport News, Va. USMC
Lance Cpl. Leon B. Deraps, 19, of Jamestown, Mo. USMC
Lance Cpl. Luke B. Holler, 21, of Bulverde, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Luke C. Yepsen, 20, of Kingwood, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Marcus S. Glimpse, 22, of Huntington Beach, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Mario D. Gonzalez, 21, of La Puente, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, of Finksburg, Md. USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew R. Barnes, 20, of West Monroe, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew W. Clark, 22, of St. Louis, Mo. USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael A. Schwarz, 20, of Carlstadt, N.J. USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael D. Scholl, 21, of Lincoln, Neb. USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael L. Ford, 19, of New Bedford, Mass. USMC
Lance Cpl. Michael S. Probst, 26, of Irvine, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Minhee Kim, 20, of Ann Arbor, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Myles C. Sebastien, 21, of Opelousas, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nathan R. Elrod, 20, of Salisbury, N.C. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas A. Miller, 20, of Silverwood, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Manoukian, 22, of Lathrup Village, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Sovie, 20, of Ogdensburg, N.Y. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Whyte, 21, of Brooklyn, N.Y. USMC
Lance Cpl. Nicholas R. Anderson, 21, of Sauk City, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. Patrick J. Gallagher, 27, of Jacksonville, Fla. USMC
Lance Cpl. Philip A. Johnson, 19, of Hartford, Conn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Philip J. Martini, 24, of Lansing, Ill. USMC
Lance Cpl. Randy L. Newman, 21, of Bend, Ore. USMC
Lance Cpl. Raul Mercado, 21, of Monrovia, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Rene Martinez, 20, of Miami, Fla. USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard A. Buerstetta, 20, of Franklin, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Richard Z. James, 20, of Seaford, Del. USMC
Lance Cpl. Robert G. Posivio III, 22, of Sherburn, Minn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Robert L. Moscillo, 21, of Salem, N.H. USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan A. Miller, 19, of Pearland, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan J. Burgess, 21, of Sanford, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan L. Mayhan, 25, of Hawthorne, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan S. McCurdy, 20, of Baton Rouge, La. USMC
Lance Cpl. Ryan T. McCaughn, 19, of Manchester, N.H. USMC
Lance Cpl. Salvador Guerrero, 21, of Los Angeles, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Samuel W. Large, Jr., 21, of Villa Rica, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. Shane P. Harris, 23, of Las Vegas, N.M. USMC
Lance Cpl. Stephen F. Johnson, 20, of Marietta, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. Stephen J. Perez, 22, of San Antonio, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Stephen L. Morris, 21, of Lake Jackson, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven L. Phillips, 27, of Chesapeake, Va. USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas P. Echols, 20, of Shepherdsville, Ky. USMC
Lance Cpl. Timothy W. Brown, 21, of Sacramento, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Troy D. Nealey, 24, of Eaton Rapids, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Tyler R. Overstreet, 22, of Gallatin, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. William C. Koprince Jr., 24, of Lenoir City, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. William D. Spencer, 20, of Paris, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. William J. Leusink, 21, of Maurice, Iowa USMC
Maj. Joseph T. McCloud, 39, of Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. USMC
Maj. Megan M. McClung, 34, of Coupeville, Wash. USMC
Maj. Michael D. Stover, 43, of Mansfield, Ohio USMC
Master Sgt. Brian P. McAnulty, 39, of Vicksburg, Miss. USMC
Pfc. Chase A. Edwards, 19, of Lake Charles, La. USMC
Pfc. Christopher N. White, 23, of Southport, N.C. USMC
Pfc. Christopher T. Riviere, 21, of Cooper City, Fla. USMC
Pfc. Daniel B. Chaires, 20, of Tallahassee, Fla. USMC
Pfc. Donald S. Brown, 19, of Succasunna, N.J. USMC
Pfc. Enrique C. Sanchez, 21, of Garner, N.C. USMC
Pfc. Jacob D. Spann, 21, of Columbus, Ohio USMC
Pfc. Jason Franco, 18, of Corona, Calif. USMC
Pfc. Jason Hanson, 21, of Forks, Wash. USMC
Pfc. Javier Chavez Jr., 19, of Cutler, Calif. USMC
Pfc. Matthew L. Bertolino, 20, of Hampstead, N.H. USMC
Pfc. Rex A. Page, 21, of Kirksville, Mo. USMC
Pfc. Ryan G. Winslow, 19, of Jefferson, Ala. USMC
Pfc. Sean T. Cardelli, 20, of Downers Grove, Ill. USMC
Pfc. Shelby J. Feniello, 25, of Connellsville, Pa. USMC
Pfc. Steven W. Freund, 20, of Pittsburgh, Pa. USMC
Pvt. Edwardo J. Lopez, 21, of Aurora, Ill. USMC
Pvt. Heath D. Warner, 19, of Canton, Ohio USMC
Pvt. Lewis T. D. Calapini, 21, of Waipahu, Hawaii USMC
Pvt. Ryan E. Miller, 21, of Gahanna, Ohio USMC
Seaman Apprentice Zachary M. Alday, 22, of Donalsonville, Ga., USN
Sgt. Adam L. Cann, 23, of Davie, Fla. USMC
Sgt. Alessandro Carbonaro, 28, of Bethesda, Md. USMC
Sgt. Brock A. Babb, 40, of Evansville, Ind. USMC
Sgt. Bryan K. Burgess, 35, of Garden City, Mich. USMC
Sgt. Christian B. Williams, 27, of Winter Haven, Fla. USMC
Sgt. Christopher M. Zimmerman, 28, of Stephenville, Texas USMC
Sgt. David R. Christoff, 25, of Rossford, Ohio USMC
Sgt. Donnie Leo F. Levens, 25, of Long Beach, Miss. USMC
Sgt. Dwayne E. Williams, 28, of Baltimore, Md. USMC
Sgt. Edward G. Davis III, 31, of Antioch, Ill. USMC
Sgt. Elisha R. Parker, 21, of Taberg, N.Y. USMC
Sgt. George M. Ulloa Jr., 23, of Austin, Texas USMC
Sgt. James F. Fordyce, 22, of Newton Square, Pa. USMC
Sgt. John P. Phillips, 29, of St. Stephen, S.C. USMC
Sgt. Jonathan E. McColley, 23, of Gettysburg, Pa. USMC
Sgt. Jonathan J. Simpson, 25, of Rockport, Texas USMC
Sgt. Julian M. Arechaga, 23, of Oceanside, N.Y. USMC
Sgt. Justin L. Noyes, 23, of Vinita, Okla. USMC
Sgt. Justin T. Walsh, 24, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio USMC
Sgt. Lea R. Mills, 21, of Brooksville, Fla. USMC
Sgt. Luke J. Zimmerman, 24, of Luxemburg, Wis. USMC
Sgt. Mark T. Smykowski, 23, of Mentor, Ohio USMC
Sgt. Matthew J. Fenton, 24, of Little Ferry, N.J. USMC
Sgt. Sean H. Miles, 28, of Midlothian, Va. USMC
Sgt. Thomas M. Gilbert, 24, of Downers Grove, Ill. USMC
Staff Sgt. Abraham G. Twitchell, 28, of Yelm, Wash. USMC
Staff Sgt. Benjamin D. Williams, 30, of Orange, Texas USMC
Staff Sgt. Eric A. McIntosh, 29, of Trafford, Pa. USMC
Staff Sgt. Gordon G. Solomon, 35, of Fairborn, Ohio USMC
Staff Sgt. Jason C. Ramseyer, 28, of Lenoir, N.C. USMC
Staff Sgt. Jason D. Whitehouse, 27, of Phoenix, Ariz. USMC
Staff Sgt. Jay T. Collado, 31, of Columbia, S.C. USMC
Staff Sgt. Raymond J. Plouhar, 30, of Lake Orion, Mich. USMC
1st Lt. Jared M. Landaker, 25, of Big Bear City, CA USMC
1st Lt. Shaun M. Blue, 25, of Munster, Ind. USMC
1st Lt. Travis L. Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pa. USMC
Capt. Jennifer J. Harris, 28, of Swampscott, Mass. USMC
Capt. Todd M. Siebert, 34, of Baden, Pa. USMC
Cpl. Allen C. Roberts, 21, of Arcola, IL USMC
Cpl. Charles O. Palmer II, 36, of Manteca, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Christopher Degiovine, 25, of Lone Tree, Colo. USMC
Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer, 21, of East Northport, N.Y. USMC
Cpl. Darrel J. Morris, 21, of Spokane, Wash. USMC
Cpl. Derek C. Dixon, 20, of Riverside, Ohio USMC
Cpl. Dustin J. Lee, 20, of Quitman, Miss. USMC
Cpl. Erik T. Garoutte, 22, of Santee, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Henry W. Bogrette, 21, of Richville, N.Y. USMC
Cpl. Jacob H. Neal, 23, of San Marcos, Texas USMC
Cpl. James H. McRae, 22, of Springtown, Texas USMC
Cpl. Jennifer M. Parcell, 20, of Bel Air, Md. USMC
Cpl. Jeremy D. Allbaugh, 21, of Luther, Okia. USMC
Cpl. John C. Tanner, 21, of Columbus, Ga. USMC
Cpl. Julian M. Woodall, 21, of Tallahassee, Fla. USMC
Cpl. Mark D. Kidd, 26, of Milford, Mich. USMC
Cpl. Matthew R. Zindars, 21, of Watertown, Wis. USMC
Cpl. Reynold Armand, 21, of Rochester, N.Y. USMC
Cpl. Richard O. Quill III, 22, of Roswell, Ga. USMC
Cpl. Sean A. Stokes, 24, of Auburn, Calif. USMC
Cpl. Terrence P. Allen, 21, of Pennsauken, NJ USMC
Cpl. Thomas E. Saba, 30, of Toms River, N.J. USMC
Cpl. Timothy D. Lewis, 20, of Lawrenceburg, Ky. USMC
Cpl. Willie P. Celestine Jr., 21, of Lafayette, La. USMC
Cpl. Woods, Travis M., 21, of Redding, CA USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Herman J. Murkerson Jr., 35, of Adger, Ala. USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Terry J. Elliott, 34, of Middleton, Tenn. USMC
Hospitalman Daniel S. Noble, 21, of Whittier, Calif. USN
Hospitalman Lucas W.A. Emch, 21, of Kent, Ohio USN
Hospitalman Matthew G. Conte, 22, of Mogadore, Ohio USN
Lance Cpl. Adam E. Loggins, 27, of Athens, Ala. USMC
Lance Cpl. Adam Q. Emul, 19, of Vancouver, Wash.USMC
Lance Cpl. Andrew G. Matus, 19, of Chetek, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. Angel R. Ramirez, 28, of Brooklyn, N.Y. USMC
Lance Cpl. Anthony Aguirre, 20, of Channelview, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Anthony C. Melia, 20, of Thousand Oaks, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Benjamin D. Desilets, 21, of Elmwood, Ill. USMC
Lance Cpl. Blake H. Howey, 20, of Glendora, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Bobby L. Twitty, 20, of Bedias, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys, 20, of New Tripoli, Pa. USMC
Lance Cpl. Brian A. Escalante, 25, of Dodge City, Kan. USMC
Lance Cpl. Cristian Vasquez, 20, of Coalinga, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Dale G. Peterson, 20, of Redmond, Ore. USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel J. Santee, 21, of Mission Viejo, Calif. USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel R. Olsen, 20, of Eagan, Minn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel R. Scherry, 20, of Rocky River, Ohio USMC
Lance Cpl. Daniel T. Morris, 19, of Crimora, Va. USMC
Lance Cpl. David P. Lindsey, 20, of Spartanburg, S.C. USMC
Lance Cpl. Dennis J. Veater, 20, of Jessup, Pa. USMC
Lance Cpl. Emilian D. Sanchez, 20, of Santa Ana Pueblo, N.M. USMC
Lance Cpl. Emmanuel Villarreal, 21, of Eagle Pass, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Harry H. Timberman, 20, of Minong, Wis. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffery A. Bishop, 23, of Dickson, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffrey D. Walker, 21, of Macon, Ga. USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy L. Tinnel, 20, of Mechanicsville, VA USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeremy W. Burris, 22, of Tacoma, WA USMC
Lance Cpl. Jesse D. Delatorre, 29, of Aurora, IL. USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnathan E. Kirk, 25, of Belhaven, N.C. USMC
Lance Cpl. Johnny R. Strong, 21, of Waco, Texas USMC
Lance Cpl. Jon T. Hicks Jr., 20, of Atco, NJ USMC
Lance Cpl. Juan M. Garcia Schill, 20, of Grants Pass, Ore. USMC
Lance Cpl. Lance M. Clark, 21, of Cookeville, Tenn. USMC
Lance Cpl. Luis J. Castillo, 20, of Lawton, Mich. USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew P. Pathenos, 21, of Ballwin, Mo. USMC
Lance Cpl. Matthew S. Medlicott, 21, of Houston, Tx
Lance Cpl. Nathanial D. Windsor, 20, of Scappoose, Ore. USMC
Lance Cpl. Raul S. Bravo, 21, of Elko, Nev. USMC
Lance Cpl. Raymond J. Holzhauer, 19, of Dwight, Ill. USMC
Lance Cpl. Robert A. Lynch, 20, of Louisville, Ky. USMC
Lance Cpl. Rogelio A. Ramirez, 21, of Pasadena, CA USMC
Lance Cpl. Shawn V. Starkovich, 20, of Arlington, Wash. USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven A. Stacy, 23, of Coos Bay, Ore. USMC
Lance Cpl. Steven M. Chavez, 20, of Hondo, N.M. USMC
Lance Cpl. Trevor A. Roberts, 21, of Oklahoma City, Okla. USMC
Lance Cpl. Walter K. O’Haire, 20, of Lynn, Mass. USMC
Lance Cpl.Angel Rosa, 21, of South Portland, Maine USMC
Lt. Col. Michael A. Robinson, 42, of Sylacauga, Ala. USMC
Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec, 34, of Albuquerque, N.M. USMC
Master Sgt. Kenneth N. Mack, 42, of Fort Worth, Texas USMC
Petty Officer 1st Class Gilbert Minjares Jr., 31, of El Paso, TX USMC
Petty Officer 3rd Class Manuel A. Ruiz, 21, of Federalsburg, MD USMC
Pfc. Brett A. Witteveen, 20, of Shelby, Mich. USMC
Pfc. Bufford K. Van Slyke, 22, of Bay City, Mich. USMC
Pfc. Miguel A. Marcial III, 19, of Secaucus, NJ USMC
Pfc. Tarryl B. Hill, 19, of Shelby Township, Mich. USMC
Sgt. Alejandro Carrillo, 22, of Los Angeles, CA USMC
Sgt. Aron C. Blum, 22, of Tucson, Ariz. USMC
Sgt. Chad M. Allen, 25, of Maple Lake, Minn. USMC
Sgt. Clinton W. Ahlquist, 23, of Creede, Colo. USMC
Sgt. Gary S. Johnston, 21, of Windthorst, Texas USMC
Sgt. James R. Tijerina, 26, of Beasley, Texas USMC
Sgt. James R. Tijerina, 26, of Beasley, Texas USMC
Sgt. Jon E. Bonnell Jr., 22, of Fort Dodge, Iowa USMC
Sgt. Joshua J. Frazier, 24, of Spotsylvania, Va. USMC
Sgt. Maj. Joseph J. Ellis, 40, of Ashland, Ohio USMC
Sgt. Michael E. Tayaotao, 27, of Sunnyvale, Calif. USMC
Sgt. Michael J. Yarbrough, 24, of Malvern, Ark. USMC
Sgt. Michael M. Kashkoush, 24, of Chagrin Falls, Ohio USMC
Sgt. Nicholas R. Walsh, 27, of Millstadt, IL USMC
Sgt. Nickolas Lee Hopper, 27, of Montrose, IL USMC
Sgt. Peter Woodall, 25, of Sarasota, Fla. USMC
Sgt. Shawn P. Martin, 30, of Delmar, N.Y. USMC
Sgt. Travis D. Pfister, 27, of Richland, Wash. USMC
Sgt. William J. Callahan, 28, of South Easton, Mass. USMC
Staff Sgt. Dustin M. Gould, 28, of Longmont, Colo. USMC
Staff Sgt. Marcus A. Golczynski, 30, of Lewisburg, Tenn. USMC
Staff Sgt. Stephen J. Wilson, 28, of Duluth, Ga. USMC
1st Lt. Matthew R. Vandergrift, 28, Littleton, Colorado USMC
Cpl. Aaron M. Allen, 24, Buellton, California USMC
Lance Cpl. Casey L. Casanova, 22, McComb, Mississippi USMC
Lance Cpl. Curtis A. Christensen Jr., 29, Collingswood, New Jersey USMC
Cpl. Christian S. Cotner, 20, Waterbury, Connecticut USMC
Lance Cpl. Stacy A. Dryden, 22, North Canton, Ohio USMC
Staff Sgt. Danny P. Dupre, 28, Lockport, Louisiana USMC
Capt. Philip J. Dykeman, 38, Brockport, New York USMC
Staff Sgt. Faoa L. Apineru, 31, of Yorba Linda, CA USMC
Sgt. Michael H. Ferschke Jr., 22, Maryville, Tennessee USMC
Capt. Warren A. Frank, 26, Cincinnati, Ohio USMC
Lt. Col. Max A. Galeai, 42, Pago Pago, American Samoa USMC
Sgt. Merlin German, 22, Manhattan, New York USMC
Lance Cpl. James M. Gluff, 20, Tunnel Hill, Georgia USMC
Cpl. Miguel A. Guzman, 21, Norwalk, California USMC
Lance Cpl. Jordan C. Haerter, 19, Sag Harbor, New York USMC
Maj. William G. Hall, 38, Seattle, Washington USMC
Lance Cpl. Robert L. Johnson, 21, Central Point, Oregon USMC
Lance Cpl. James F. Kimple, 21, Carroll, Ohio USMC
Sgt. Glen E. Martinez, 31, Boulder, Colorado USMC
Pfc. Daniel A. C. McGuire, 19, Mashpee, Massachusetts USMC
Cpl. Adam T. McKiski, 21, Cherry Valley, Illinois USMC
Cpl. Richard J. Nelson, 23, Racine, Wisconsin USMC
Lance Cpl. Dean D. Opicka, 29, Waukesha, Wisconsin USMC
Lance Cpl. Javier Perales Jr., 19, San Elizario, Texas USMC
Cpl. Marcus W. Preudhomme, 23, North Miami Beach, Florida USMC
Lance Cpl. Thomas Reilly Jr., 19, London, Kentucky USMC
Col. Michael R. Stahlman, 45, Chevy Chase, Maryland USMC
Lance Cpl. Jeffery S. Stevenson, 20, Newton, New Jersey USMC
Lance Cpl. Travis M. Stottlemyer, 20, Hatfield, Pennyslvania USMC
Cpl. Stewart S. Trejo, 25, Whitefish, Montana USMC
1st Lt. Matthew R. Vandergrift, 28 of Littleton, Colo, USMC
Gunnery Sgt. Marcelo R. Velasco, 40, Miami, Florida USMC
Lance Cpl. Kelly E. C. Watters, 19, Virginia Beach, Virginia USMC
Lance Cpl. Drew W. Weaver, 20, St. Charles, Missouri USMC
Cpl. Jonathan T. Yale, 21, Burkeville, Virginia USMC
Lance Corporal Francesconi, Alberto 21, of Bronx New York USMC
Lance Corporal Argentine, James David 22, of Farmingdale New York USMC
Lance Corporal Babine, Travis Thornton 20, of San Antonio Texas USMC
Lance Corporal Baker, David Raymond 22, of Painesville Ohio USMC
Lance Corporal Baltazar Jr., Christopher S. 19, of San Antonio Texas USMC
Lance Corporal Barbozaflores, Pedro Antonio 27, of Glendale California USMC
Gunnery Sergeant Benjamin, Adam Frank 34, of Garfield Ohio USMC
Lance Corporal Bennett, Daniel R. 23, of Clifton Virginia USMC
Lance Corporal Bernard, Joshua Matthew 21, of New portland Maine USMC
Lance Corporal Brennan, Julian T. 25, of Brooklyn New York USMC
Lance Corporal Burrow, Dennis James 23, of Naples Florida USMC
Sergeant Cahir, William John 40, of Washington Washington D.C. USMC
Sergeant Cartwright, Charles I. 26, of Union Bridge Maryland USMC
Lance Corporal Cassada, Jessie A. 19, of Hendersonville North Carolina USMC
Lance Corporal Chrobot, Jordan L. 24, of Frederick Maryland USMC
Lance Corporal Damas, Leopold Fred 26, of Floral park New York USMC
Lance Corporal Ferrell, Bruce Earnest 21, of Perdido Alabama USMC
Corporal Fleury, Gregory M.W. 23, of Anchorage Alaska USMC
Lance Corporal Fowlkes, Christopher S. 20, of Gaffney South Carolina USMC
Captain Freeman, Matthew Charles Hays 29, of Richmond Hill Georgia USMC
Lance Corporal Geary, Daniel J. 22, of Rome New York USMC
Corporal Guzman, Rivera Christian Armando 21, of Homestead Florida USMC
Lance Corporal Hager, Roger Gary Michael 20, of Gibsonville North Carolina USMC
Lance Corporal Hall, David R. 31, of Elyria Ohio USMC
Lance Corporal Hand, Nicholas J. 20, of Kansas City Missouri USMC
Sergeant Hansen, Daniel L. 24, of Tracy California USMC
Master Sergeant Hatfield, Jerome David 36, of Axton Virginia USMC
Sergeant Hayes, John Eric 36, of Middleburg Florida USMC
Sergeant Heede Jr, Michael Wayne 22, of Delta Pennsylvania USMC
Lance Corporal Hogan, Donald James 20, of San Clemente California USMC
Sergeant Hoskins, Jay Michael 24, of Paris Texas USMC
Gunnery Sergeant Johnson Jr., Edwin Wayne 31, of Columbus Georgia USMC
1st Lieutenant Johnson, Michael E. 25, of Virginia Beach Virginia USMC
Sergeant Johnson, Trevor J. 23, of Forsyth Montana USMC
Captain Jones, Eric A. 29, of Westchester New York USMC
Staff Sergeant Kenefick, Aaron M. 30, of Roswell Georgia USMC
Sergeant Lane, Ryan H. 25, of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USMC
Lance Corporal Lasher, Jeremy Scott 27, of Oneida New York USMC
Corporal Latorre, Xhacob 21, of Waterbury Connecticut USMC
Corporal Lembke, Matthew Ryan 22, of Tualatin Oregon USMC
Lance Corporal Malone, John J. 24, of Yonkers New York USMC
Captain Meadows, Joshua S. 30, of Bastrop Texas USMC
Captain Mitchell, David S. 30, of Loveland Ohio USMC
Lance Corporal Ochoa Jr., Alfonso 20, of Armona California USMC
Lance Corporal Oleski, Blaise A. 22, of Holland Patent New York USMC
Lance Corporal Olvera, Javier 20, of Palmdale California USMC
Corporal Ouellette, Michael W. 28, of Manchester New Hampshire USMC
Lance Corporal Posey, Gregory Alan 22, of Knoxville Tennessee USMC
Lance Corporal Preach, Kevin T. 21, of Bridgewater Massachusetts USMC
Lance Corporal Reza, Matthew G. 27, of Austin Texas USMC
Chief Warrant Officer Richardson Jr., Ricky L. 33, of Franklin Missouri USMC
Lance Corporal Roebuck, Omar G. 23, of Moreno Valley California USMC
Sergeant Roy, Michael C. 25, of North Fort Myers Florida USMC
Sergeant Ruiz, Cesar B. 26, of San Antonio Texas USMC
Lance Corporal Schimmel, Patrick Wayne 21, of Winfield Missouri USMC
Lance Corporal Sharp, Charles S. 20, of Adairsville Georgia USMC
Staff Sergeant Spicer, David Shane 33, of Zanesfield Ohio USMC
Lance Corporal Stanley, Cody R. 21, of Rosanky Texas USMC
Lance Corporal Stroud, Jonathan Fulton 20, of Cashion Oklahoma USMC
Lance Corporal Swanson, Justin J. 21, of Anaheim California USMC
Staff Sergeant Taylor, Aaron J. 27, of Bovey Minnesota USMC
Staff Sergeant Taylor, Archie A. 37, of Tomball Texas USMC
Lance Corporal Taylor, Jonathan A. 22, of Jacksonville Florida USMC
Captain Van De Giesen, Kyle R. 29, of North Attleboro Massachusetts USMC
Private 1st Class Vincent, Donald Wayne 26, of Gainesville Florida USMC
Sergeant Wallace III, David W. 25, of Sharpsville Pennsylvania USMC
Lance Corporal Whittle, Joshua R. 20, of Downey California USMC
Corporal Williams, Anthony L. 21, of Oxford Pennsylvania USMC
Corporal Xiarhos, Nicholas George 21, of Yarmouth Port Massachusetts USMC